Joint Faculty

PhotoName & TitleDepartment
Kris HootenLTC Kristopher G. Hooten, MDUS Military Neurosurgery Liaison
Katharina BuslKatharina Busl, MD, MS Department of Neurology 
Christopher Butson, PhDChristopher Butson, PhDDepartment of Neurology
Coralie de HemptinneCoralie de Hemptinne MS, PHDDepartment of Neurology
Brian LoboBrian Lobo, MD Department of Otolaryngology
MacielCarolina Maciel, MD Department of Neurology 
Michael Okun MDMichael S. Okun, MDDepartment of Neurology
Steven Robicsek MD, PhDSteven A. Robicsek, MD, PhD

Department of Anesthesiology
RobinsonChristopher Robinson, DO, MS Department of Neurology 
Christopher M Seubert MD, PhD, DABMNChristopher M Seubert, MD, PhD, DABMBNDepartment of Anesthesiology