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Patient Stories

Pediatric Brain Trauma: Kiersyn’s Story

Kiersyn Survives Scary Trampoline Fall With Help of UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital It was a typical March evening in Florida. The Stone family’s six children were playing outside, bouncing on their trampoline and enjoying the extra daylight from the recent time change. They had no idea their lives —…

Pediatric Hydrocephalus: Luke’s Story

A More Normal Life for Luke Almost 34 weeks into her pregnancy, Megan’s water broke. Panicked, knowing that she was about to deliver early, she was rushed to the hospital. It was not long before first-time parents Megan and Ryan welcomed twin boys, Luke and Jett, to their family. After…

Pediatric Tethered Spinal Cord: Roberts’ Story

Pediatric Tethered Spinal Cord: The Roberts Brothers’ Broward’s Story Broward Roberts became familiar with UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital’s neurosurgery team at an early age. The discovery of a sacral dimple during his first five days of life in the UF Health Neonatal Intensive Care Unit led to a follow-up…

Pediatric Chiari: Sophia’s Story

Pediatric neurosurgeon provides incredible care in child’s hometown One day in early January, Nicole Whitaker noticed her daughter Sophia’s eyes were turning in. By the end of the day, Sophia, who was three days shy of turning 3 years old, was seeing double. Nicole made an appointment to see…